Kashmir conflict

Kashmir is a disputed land between India and Pakistan since 1947. Since then there have been four official wars between India and Pakistan over Kashmir with two contrasting theories in the respective history books leaving the Kashmir issue still unresolved so at the end there is no winning.

In February 2019 things got even worse after a terrorist attack in Kashmir where more than 40 died after a suicide bombing ramped into the bus filled with troops. A Pakistani based terror group claimed responsibility for the attack. This was the most serious escalation in the years between the two nuclear armed adversaries. India responded by sending bombers into Pakistan, which they say hit the terrorists strongholds but Pakistan reported that India missed their targets and just hit a bunch of trees. And then Pakistan filed a complaint with the UN saying the attack on tress is eco-terrorism. India was adamant that they hit their targets but opposition parties within the country started asking for proofs and this turned out a self goal as BJP returned to the power with a landslide win. Clearly, Kashmir is a loyality test for both countries and this test came at a very crucial time in the Indian politics. The air strike carried by Indian air force formed a bulwark for BJP in 2019 general election.

In August 2019 things heat up again when Indian government scrapped article 370 that allowed a special status to j&k state before. The government deployed thousands of troops in Kashmir to avoid any unrest. Now it was Pakistan’s turn to prove their loyalty so they started making noise all around with nuclear threat to India and carried the issue to the UN where they failed miserably. Clearly, the stakes are incredibly high and both countries need the confidence of their people over Kashmir.

It is much easier for the political parties to exploit the conflicts of Kashmir for political gains than to address the economy and other important issues. But that doesn’t make sense we don’t need a threat of nuclear warfare to flex nationalism. And every time I see people fighting on social media like India won! no Pakistan won! I’ll be like no dude the the British won.

Published by Nishant Chaturvedi

The sword of my words

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